Financial Education & Designs,Inc.

Financial Education & Designs,Inc.

National Social Security Adviser, Income and Long Term Care Specialist

Emil is A National Social Security Adviser with over 48 years, 6 Decades and 117,000 hours of relative experience in Financial matters. He also is a highly qualified, objective and independent Certified Long Term Care Specialist since 1985 and in concert is a practical and effective Medicare Supplement Specialist.

Emil is an Independent Practitioner who acts to assure his Clients that he is acting in their Best Interests when it involves their Family, Estate, Retirement, Health Care, Protection of Assets & Income along with many other areas of concern.

Emil provides Adult Financial Literacy Education Workshops on various Financial topics around the country and looks forward in serving you Personally and Professionally...

With over 48 years, 6 decades and 117,000 hours of Financial Experience, Emil can provide Creative, Meaningful and Relative Financial 2nd Opinions on your:

  • Mortgage Arrangements, Risk Management issues, Taxes and their Net Effect, Protection of Assets,
  • College Funding, Retirement Funding and Funding for a Lifetime Income Guaranteed Retirement...
  • Maximizing Social Security Benefits and Protecting Your Income/"PayChecks"...
  • Maximizing Your Assets for Heirs and invoking meaningful Wealth Transfers to the Family as purposed.

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